From Junkyard to Jewel: A Heartwarming Tale of a Dog’s Miraculous Metamorphosis in Only 14 Days

Millie, a Yellow Labrador Retriever, has a heart-wrenching tale that highlights the importance of compassion and rescue, despite her traumatic past.

millie at vet

Millie was discovered in a hot dumpster in San Antonio, Texas, in a sorry state. She was covered in grime and plagued by flies, and her health was rapidly deteriorating due to the heat. However, Millie’s fortunes changed for the better when she was saved and granted another opportunity to live.

Millie, who was once a neglected and pitiful dog, has made incredible strides in just two weeks under the tender care of her foster mother, Holly. She is now a lively and adorable companion. Holly has dedicated herself to nursing Millie back to health and has kept detailed records of her medical appointments and therapy sessions.

Regrettably, Millie’s road to recovery is not free from obstacles. She has been diagnosed with a severe and potentially fatal heartworm disease which poses a significant threat to her health. However, with the assistance of veterinary professionals, she is undergoing a thorough treatment regimen to manage the condition. To alleviate the cough caused by the infection, she has been administered steroid medication.
The combined efforts of Lucky Lab Rescue and San Antonio Animal Care Services made Millie’s rescue possible. Although she was discovered beneath layers of garbage with a collar but no microchip, her original owners remain unknown. Despite this setback, Holly has provided her with a safe and affectionate foster home.

Since coming into Holly’s care, Millie has undergone a significant physical and emotional transformation. Gone are the days of worrying about heatstroke – she’s been given a thorough bath and grooming, leaving her feeling comfortable and clean. However, treating heartworm disease can be costly and painful for dogs like Millie. That’s why a YouCaring page has been set up to raise funds to support her recovery and ongoing treatment. This page also serves as the foundation for the “Millie Campaign,” which aims to provide assistance to other canines who have been mistreated or abandoned. Those following Millie’s story on Facebook will see firsthand the incredible transformation from a neglected dog to a cherished and loved companion.

I would like to give a big shout-out to Holly and the team of rescuers who saved Millie from her unfortunate situation and gave her a second chance at life. Their kindness and commitment have truly made a difference in the life of this adorable little dog, and their efforts have helped to raise awareness about the struggles that aʙandoned animals face every day. Thank you for all that you do!

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